
Firecat Masquerade were a marvellous collective of creatives who ran pervasive games, immersive experiences and the like. They had the utterly fabulous idea of "What if wind in the willows, but post-apocalypse"? I can't find much about it, but... I can remember our group concept was a group of weasels who'd escaped from prison dressed... Continue Reading →

What is larp?

I'd had a black-and-white, plain text, presentation "What is larp" kicking around unfinished for ages.Then yesterday Elina Gouliou wanted one, so I scrambled for images, and here it is.It won't make much sense without this speaker notes. I try and follow the precepts of Russell Davies - he's written a great book. These are slides... Continue Reading →

My year of larp: 2023

My last larp of the year was last weekend, and I’m mostly finished packing. I’ve been from Poland to Staffordshire via Norfolk and Silverstone, and I’ve been really, really lucky in what I’ve been able to do. I’ve never done this before, but it’s been such an extraordinary year that here’s a review… In May,... Continue Reading →

Goetia food

I don't cook for a larp often. I used to run a restaurant, so I know how hard professionals work. Then maybe once every couple of years something crops up that I really do want to do. Omenstar's Goetia was just the thing.

After action report: Miskatonic University

First sight of our university... I honestly can't remember why I signed up to Chaos League's Miskatonic University. Some combination of my weakness for Polish castles, I'd heard it trailed at Knutpunkt, the character outlines appealed, and a friend I'd never met in the flesh said they were going, I think? Anyway. I did, and... Continue Reading →

Daemon (UK) food

I really enjoy food. I love larp. I am prone to showing off. In combination, this means that every now and then I put a load of effort into catering at larp. The genuine ability here is in the folk I persuade to help: notably Rupert Redington, who has actually been employed as a chef,... Continue Reading →

After action report: Dead Air

Dead Air was an Ars Magica larp set in the Alps tribunal, written by the old hands of the "Greater Alps Knitting Circle", and produced by Carcosa Dreams. One of two objectives from my character brief. Written for me by a 6yr old, so I wouldn't forget. Characters were mages of the Order of Hermes... Continue Reading →

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